This is the first volume of the Japanese manga series Gokurakugai, created by Yuto Sano, who wrote and illustrated it. Volume 1 in Japanese was published on November 4, 2022, under the ISBN number 978-4-08-882740-7. Meanwhile, the English edition of Volume 1 was released on April 16, 2024, with the ISBN number 978-1-97-474356-8.
Volume Synopsis[]
For the right price, these professional troubleshooters can solve any problem, whether they’re taking out the scum of the earth or destroying human-eating monsters!
The troubleshooters of Gokurakugai are open for business! In a run-down town without law and order, Tao and Alma accept work from clientele of all creeds and cultures, and they’re always ready to dole out justice against human-hungry monsters that lurk in the shadows. They’ll take on any case—as long as the price is right!
There’s never a shortage of crime around town, and a young boy searching for his beastman friend is just another entry on a long list of missing persons reports. However, Tao and Alma realize that they’re the only ones able to solve this case—and destroy the vicious monsters waiting around every street corner.
Cover and Volume Illustration[]
The volume cover depicts Alma and Tao in their usual attire. Alma is seated in a chair, playfully sticking out his tongue while holding the agency's phone. Meanwhile, Tao stands behind Alma, holding a handgun near her right cheek, with a cigarette hanging from her lips.
The title of the volume is displayed prominently in a large font, positioned towards the center of the cover's corner. The volume number is situated in the upper left part, near the two main characters of the series.
Chapter List[]
- Chapters included in Volume 1:
- 001. Chapter 1: The Troubleshooters of Gokurakugai (
極 楽 街 の解 決 屋 Gokurakugai no Kaiketsu-ya) - 002. Chapter 2: Home (ホーム Hōmu)
- 003. Chapter 3: A Dud (ハズレ Hazure)
Author's Message[]
This marks my first, haphazard serialization. It's a pleasure! | ||
Author's Description[]
Yuto Sano is a Japanese manga artist whose previously published one-shots include "Lawless Kid" and "Gokurakugai: Trouble on Third Avenue." Gokurakugai began serialization in Jump Square in 2022.