Watashi no Maou-sama (私の魔王さま, alternatively known as My Demon Lord) is a concise narrative spanning four pages. It was authored and illustrated by Yuto Sano and was featured in the November 2018 issue of Gessan magazine, available since October 12, 2018.[1]
In a distant palace, a princess sat in her room one peaceful night, wishing for freedom from the endless parties and schoolwork that filled her days. She hoped that one day a Demon Lord would come and take her away from her ordinary life.
Suddenly, a Demon Lord appeared and asked if she had called for him, saying he was the one she had been waiting for. He offered to take her to his castle, and she eagerly agreed. As they walked towards the throne, ready for him to propose marriage, something strange happened. He turned into a child!
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
Princess | Demon Lord |
Featured Media[]
- ↑ "Love Soldier Caroline Official Website". Pixiv Website.